Gail Rubin and ABQ Death Cafe mascot Lola in a Passages International bamboo coffin.
The 2017 Frozen Dead Guy Days festival was another huge success! More than 20,000 people flooded the streets of Nederland, Colorado for this crazy celebration of the dead and the frozen. We had more than a thousand people, a 25% increase over last year’s number, who came to see the documentary “Grandpa’s in the TUFF Shed” and cheer on the couples who played The Newly-Dead Game®. You can watch videos of all three games through this Family Plot Blog post.
Thanks to our sponsor Passages International, leaders in environmentally-friendly and green funeral products, for their support of community outreach on preneed funeral planning through this unique festival.
Saw lots of interesting products and services at the convention and expo of the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) in Nashville, TN. You can see Family Plot Blog posts with videos of new developments over the coming weeks through the Tools of the Trade section of the blog. There are already a few online, and you can peruse coverage of past expos, too.
The next Albuquerque Death Cafe will be held on Sunday, April 23 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at my home. First-timers can RSVP to Gail [at] AGoodGoodbye.com for address and directions. Or join the ABQ Death Cafe Meetup group to be kept apprised of upcoming events.
Links to recent posts at The Family Plot Blog, upcoming events and a funny quote follow. Please call 505.265.7215 if I can be of assistance!
Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death®
The Family Plot Blog Highlights
Click on the titles to read the blog post and see the associated videos. Review all posts on The Family Plot Blog!
Favorite Funeral Film “Harold and Maude” Holds Time-Tested Laughs Film writer Mark Caro asks if “Harold and Maude,” a favorite film from his youth, can still hold its charms all these years later.
Checklist: Memorable Life Celebration or Funeral Must-Haves Wondering what information you’ll need to create a moving, memorable memorial service or funeral? Use this handy checklist of questions to have answered BEFORE a loved one dies.
Why You Want a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral For those who want a funeral or memorial service without any mention of spiritual matters, you may find this reading to be helpful.
“Patient” is a Compelling, Honest Look at End-of-Life This documentary tells Dr. Jeffrey Piehler’s story about facing cancer and building his own plain pine casket.
Upcoming Events and a Funny Quote
Sunday, April 23, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Death Cafe at Gail Rubin’s home. RSVP for address and directions. More information here.
Saturday, April 29, 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. — Gail Rubin speaks on “Keys to Downsize and Organize Your Life” at the Delta Kappa Gamma convention for New Mexico educators. The event takes place at the Albuquerque Marriott, 2101 Louisiana Blvd. NE.
Tuesday, May 23, 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. — Gail Rubin presents “Kicking the Bucket List: Important Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die” at two Phaneuf Funeral Homes locations in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Mark your calendar for the inaugural “Before I Die” ABQ festival, October 20-24, 2017. “Before I Die” festivals are part of a growing social movement to foster reflection about how we as individuals and as a society manage death and dying. By providing space and opportunities to openly discuss end-of-life issues, we can improve the percentage of those who plan ahead and take actions to address our mortality.
“The one who dies with the most toys… still dies.” Gail Rubin
(available on T-shirts – more info here)