How to Make Moving Less Stressful

Apr 11, 2017 | 0 comments

NY Times Packing IllustrationThe New York Times ran an article, “How to Avoid Stress When You’re Moving” by Jen A. Miller, which had lots of great tips for planning ahead and being prepared for one of life’s most stressful events (almost as stressful as a death in the family). Moving has lots of moving parts, made even more stressful when you have to move out sooner than you originally planned.

A helpful checklist sidebar of what to do when provided detailed guidance in a timeline of two months out, one month out, two weeks to go, one week, one day, and Moving Day. Some tips that stood out as especially helpful:

  • Decide how you’ll manage the move. If you’re hiring a moving company, get quotes from at least three places, and check them out. If you’re moving far, arrange for transporting your car. If you’re going to do it yourself, figure out where you will get a truck and how much advance notice will be needed.
  • Start pruning your stuff at least two months before Moving Day – sell it, give it away, donate it, trash it.
  • If you’re selling furniture, make a plan for when and where to list the items for sale. You can probably live without that hutch if it sells on Craigslist in a flash, but not your bed.
  • Two weeks out, put in your Change of Address form at the Post Office, so your mail will start arriving at your new abode in a timely manner.
  • Don’t forget to change/transfer the utility bill responsibilities!
  • Make sure your prescriptions are changed to a local pharmacy or will be delivered to your new address if you get them by mail.
  • Keep what you’ll need on moving day, and anything else essential if it will take a while for you to be reunited with your stuff. Also, make sure those items are in luggage or boxes clearly marked “DO NOT MOVE.”
  • Change or halt newspaper delivery and any other regular deliveries.
  • On moving day, do one last sweep of the house, from basement to attic, to make sure you’re not leaving anything behind.

Good luck with your move!

A Good Goodbye