A great meme appeared on my Facebook feed recently. It read, “DEAR BANDS I GREW UP WITH: PLEASE STOP DYING. THANKS.”
With the passing of David Bowie and Glenn Frey of the Eagles, if you’re a Baby Boomer, chances are these deaths hit close to home.
David Bowie actually provided a great example of planning for end-of-life, by embracing hospice care at home and prophetically scheduling his last album Blackstar to be released on his 69th birthday, two days before he died. Check out the blog post about the end-of-life planning example David Bowie set.
As The Doyenne of Death, I get a number of questions – by email, by phone, and at in-person talks. In the current issue of ICCFA Magazine, you’ll see an article I wrote about some of those questions. If you don’t get the publication, you can read it online through this link.
Links to recent blog posts, several with videos, and upcoming events follow. There are two Albuquerque events in February you may want to sign up for soon: A Taste of Honey at the JCC and the Laughing and Learning Workshop being held by the Conscious Aging Network-New Mexico organization. Please call if I can be of assistance – 505.265.7215.
Live long and prosper,
Gail Rubin, CT, The Doyenne of Death®

The Family Plot Blog Highlights
Click on the titles to read the blog post. Review all posts on The Family Plot Blog or view just the Death Cartoons posted on the blog!
How Much Mercury Is In Your Mouth? You’ll be surprised by the results of this study conducted by the University of Minnesota Mortuary Science program and Dental School.
[Video] A Good Goodbye TV on Preplanning Funerals A Good Goodbye TV, the only television series devoted to discussing funeral planning issues, is coming to YouTube on The Family Plot channel.
Diana – An Excerpt from A Non-Swimmer Considers Her Mikvah Author Mary Carter wrote about the shock of learning about a death from an unexpected part of her personal history — a thoughtful look at feelings of guilt and grief.
[Video] Mortality Minute on Jews, Tattoos and Suicide This short video clarifies misconceptions about whether Jews who have tattoos or who committed suicide can be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
Upcoming Events and a Humorous Quote
Saturday, February 13, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. “Laughing and Learning: A Practical End-of-Life Workshop,” presented by Gail Rubin and the Conscious Aging Network-New Mexico. The Laughing and Learning workshop will give you the tools and the inspiration to take practical steps for outlining your funeral plans/memorial celebration, drafting your own obituary and/or famous last words, and preparing advance medical directives. Funny film clips, supportive conversations and take-home printed materials are included in this workshop. Learn what you need to know BEFORE someone goes and dies. More information here.
Friday, February 19, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Albuquerque Death Cafe – note the new day, time and place! French Funerals and Cremations will host this event at 7121 Wyoming Blvd NE. Funeral director and location manager Buck Dyck will be available to take participants on a tour of the facility and answer questions. More information here.
Sunday, February 21, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. “A Taste of Honey” educational event at the Albuquerque JCC. Gail presents “Jewish Funeral Traditions on Film,” an engaging overview of what happens before, during and after a Jewish funeral, illustrated by comedy film clips. More information here.
March 11-13 Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland Colorado! It’s time to play The Newly-Dead Game® and watch the documentary “Grandpa’s in the TUFF SHED.” More information here.
“Eternity’s a terrible thought. I mean, where’s it going to end?” — Tom Stoppard