Frozen Dead Guy Days & The Newly-Dead Game

Mar 5, 2011 | 0 comments


The Newly-Dead Game FDGD 2011

Couples compete: The Newly-Dead Game in 2011

We played two rounds of The Newly-Dead Game at Frozen Dead Guy Days. Three sets of couples competed, and each received a copy of A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die. The top scoring couples also received a small bottle of champagne.

The weather was very cold and windy in Nederland today, and the tent was packed with people seeking some warmth and shelter from the wind. A tip of the hat to everyone who played along!

Big thanks to Engage With Grace for sponsoring The Newly-Dead Game at Frozen Dead Guy Days! Many people picked up the Engage With Grace card with The One Slide five questions.

Freeze the Day!


A Good Goodbye