La Puerta Natural Burial Ground
The first Green Burial Council-certified natural burial ground in New Mexico will dedicate a section specifically for Jewish burials on Sunday, June 10, 2018, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The Jewish Federation of New Mexico and La Puerta Natural Burial Ground worked together to create this section specifically for Jewish people and their families.
Rabbi Min Kantrowitz will lead the dedication ceremony. All are welcome to attend and learn more about natural burial! Please bring sunscreen, a hat, or umbrella. Water will be provided.
Jewish burial is naturally green burial – no embalming, cotton or linen burial garments, and the body is placed in contact with the earth.
The burial plots at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground are remarkably affordable: $450 for a full body plot, plus $245 for the opening and closing of the grave. Burial of biodegradable urns with cremated remains is $250, including the opening/closing cost.
Bodies can be buried in a shroud or a simple pine casket. No liner is required. The depth of the grave for a shroud burial is four feet deep, and caskets are placed five to six feet deep. New Mexico state regulations require a minimum of three feet of earth be placed above a casket.
Learn more about natural burial at this blog post or at www.NaturalBurialNewMexico.com.
Directions to La Puerta Natural Burial Ground
From Albuquerque:
Take I-25 S to Belen Exit 195 and through downtown Belen.
Turn left (east) on W Reinken Ave/NM 309 and continue across the Rio Grande River (about 2.4 miles).
Turn right (south) onto Rio Communities Blvd/NM 47 South.
Follow NM 47 S about 15 miles to just beyond the BNSF railroad crossing.
After mile marker 4, look on the left (east) for a green metal gate next to a La Puerta sign.
The gate is closed but never locked. (Please close the gate behind you.)
La Puerta Burial Ground is 2.5 miles east toward the Manzano Mountains from the gate.
From Socorro:
Take I-25 N to NM 60 East.
Follow NM 60 E to the intersection with NM 47 North.
Follow NM 47 N to a green metal gate on your right (east) after mile marker 3, just before mile marker 4. There is a La Puerta sign next to the gate. The gate is closed but never locked. (Please close the gate behind you.)
La Puerta Burial Ground is 2.5 miles east toward the Manzano Mountains from the gate.
From Mountainair:
Take NM 60 W to NM 47 North.
Follow NM 47 N to a green metal gate on your right (east), after mile marker 3, just before mile marker 4. There is a La Puerta sign next to the gate. The gate is closed but never locked. (Please close the gate behind you.)
La Puerta Burial Ground is 2.5 miles east toward the Manzano Mountains from the gate.
Don’t Rely on Google Maps!
The current location given when typing Natural Burial New Mexico into Google Maps is incomplete after getting to Hwy 47. Follow Google Maps directions to Hwy 47. You will then be directed to turn left (north). DO NOT TURN LEFT. Turn right (south). Follow the road for approximately 15 miles. When you are getting close you will cross the railroad tracks. Look for mile marker 4 on the left (east). La Puerta Natural Burial Ground is located about 0.5 miles past mile marker 4 on your left (east). Look for the La Puerta sign next to the green gate. The gate is closed but not locked. You may open the gate to drive through. Then go 2.5 miles east toward the Manzano Mountains on the gravel road to La Puerta. Please close the gate behind you when you leave.
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