Tribute blankets were another great product I saw at the ICCFA convention and expo. The Funeral Home Gifts company can take a photo of the person who died and overnight, create a woven blanket that incorporates the image of the person. The blanket is delivered to the funeral home in time for the memorial service.
Here’s one of the sample blankets on display, of singer Whitney Houston. Wow, can you believe that’s a woven image?
In the video below, funeral director Becca Temrowski, with the Temrowski Funeral Home in Detroit, Michigan, talks about how they give a blanket to one person in every family that they work with.
Very often, other family members want to order their own blanket. Widows will curl up in a blanket with the image of their deceased husband and find comfort.
The video below shows different tribute blankets on display and some footage of how the looms at Funeral Home Gifts weave the image into the blanket. You’ll probably see more of these blankets at funerals and memorial services soon.