The Parlor Stool for Visitations

Oct 16, 2014 | 0 comments

Parlor StoolThe Parlor Stool is a tall (44.25”) chair with a back and single left arm. It’s designed to help mourners, particularly the elderly, more easily receive the condolences of attendees at visitations. The stool is a new product for funeral directors to consider getting for their funeral homes.

Mourners in receiving lines can get tired standing for long periods of time. Rather than sitting on an average-height chair, putting the mourner lower than visitors, the parlor stool allows them to stand with support or sit comfortably and gracefully receive hugs. The single arm helps prop up a person without boxing him or her into the seat.

The Parlor Chair is produced by Holsag Canada and distributed by The Dodge Company.

In this video recorded at the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) convention and expo, Tim Collison, Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Dodge discusses and demonstrates the flexibility of this well-designed chair.

The Parlor Stool at NFDA 2014 Expo

Recorded at the 2014 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) Convention and Expo in Nashville, Tennessee by Gail Rubin, CT, The Doyenne of Death®, host and author of the award-winning TV show and book, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die.

A Good Goodbye