Protecting crypts and mausoleums from odors, insects and dirt isn’t something you usually think of at a conventional expo. Yet there were several vendors at ICCFA (International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association) offering such helpful products.
I had no idea that crypt fly infestations in mausoleums is a chronic problem. This ICCFA expo really gave me some eye-opening insights.
Kryprotek also makes this great system that can allow a couple that have different dispositions to be placed together. If Dad’s in a casket and Mom’s in an urn, they can still be together in a mausoleum for eternity. Check out this video with Mark Bates, as he describes the Kryprotek system:

And while walking around, I spied the Zontec International booth, which posed the question, “Got Odors?” They produce an ozone generator system that eliminates odors and kills crypt flies. The backdrop reads “No Flies – No Odors – Just Peace.” The handout I picked up said “You built a Sanctuary… Zontec™ System will keep it pristine. No Chemicals… No Deodorizers… No Casket Protection.”