For the true sports fanatic, what could be better than having one’s cremated remains put to rest in a football or basketball urn?
At the 2015 ICCFA expo, Husein Somji with Blissful Tribute showed off new aluminum urns, some covered in leather to look like full-size footballs and basketballs. There was also a keepsake-sized leather-covered football urn. The remains are placed inside via an opening on the bottom of the urn.
While I was at this booth, a couple from Scotland stopped by and Somji asked them if these looked like the footballs used in rugby. While the shape of the ball is similar, rugby balls appear to be a bit more oval and are larger than American footballs. The finish of a rugby ball, which can be synthetic or of leather, is usually a light color, as opposed to the brown American football.
The football shaped urns were also available with a colorful enameled finish. Somji also showed bronze urns with new finishes now available to funeral homes.
Blissful Tribute urns are only available through funeral homes. Somji does not sell directly to the public. Check out more in the video below!