As cremation rises in popularity, a wide variety of cremation jewelry is being offered through funeral homes. At the 2015 ICCFA convention, New Memorials Direct displayed their cremation, fingerprint and photo jewelry designed to hold tiny amounts of cremated remains of people and pets.
They also offer non-ash-holding styles of jewelry that can be laser engraved with fingerprints, signatures or other memorial motifs.
In this video, Michelle Bailey shows the fingerprint scanners a funeral director or mortician would use to record the fingerprint of a loved one prior to cremation. The fingerprint is then transformed to make a unique imprint on pendants, rings, cuff links and even money clips. They can also scan the paw print of a beloved pet.

They have several laser scanners that funeral homes can use, both wired and wireless, to obtain a print from the deceased without messy ink. Both the funeral home and New Memorial Direct keep the prints on file forever. Should a treasured piece of cremation jewelry be lost or stolen, it can be replicated.
They can also engrave handwriting or photos on to different metal items. The public can visit their wholesale website, to see the many options available. Any orders by the general public must be placed through a local funeral home.