When you have the cremated remains of people and pets, there’s a new option for keeping them at home or putting them in a cemetery. At the 2019 International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) convention and expo, a company from Ireland introduced Urn Towers and Celtic Urns.
Stephen Power, Managing Director of Urn Towers Cremation Memorials, introduced these heavy-duty metal canisters which can be engraved with any kind of writing or symbols to memorialize the cremated remains of the people or pets they hold. The towers can be installed in a home garden or in a cemetery, singly or in groupings.
“The beauty about these above-ground cremation memorials is they are individual, they come in a range of sizes, and if you run out of space in one, you can extend by adding on by an extra portion to the tower,” explained Power.

Urn Tower Benefits
With a niche wall in a cemetery, if you want to add more cremated remains, you may have to put them in another location along the wall. With the tower urn concept, more can be added by placing an extension tube (see demonstration in the video). The towers are made of heavy duty stainless steel. They can be internally connected to a concrete base for security.
They can also be placed in areas where burials are impractical, such as rocky or sandy ground. The towers can be installed in groups or singly.
“You can put them along a canal bank, you can put them along a river bank, you can put them in a forest… whereas you can’t do that with other memorial options,” said Power. “You can better fit these in the landscape available to you at the time of need.”
They’ve also found there’s a great market for putting these cremation memorial towers in a home garden, especially for memorializing pets. They have a company called Companion Memorials that specifically offers these cremation tower urns for pets. They can be customized with labels and artwork engraved into the metal.
“A big advantage of having an above-ground memorial urn tower, should you move from your home, you can take this with you,” said Power.

Celtic Urns
The company also offers Celtic Urns. They moved away from the traditional urn shape, providing a sphere engraved with symbols representing a person’s passions in life.
“We didn’t want to put the name on, because if we don’t remember the name of the person inside, we’re missing the point,” said Power.
Each urn is hand made and hand engraved in a choice of pewter or brass. The company sells both through funeral homes and direct to consumers online. Email info@CelticUrns.com for more information.
Visit www.UrnTowers.com or www.CompanionMemorials.com for information about the cremation memorials for people and pets. You can contact Stephen Power directly by email: Stephen.Power@urntowers.com.