Buddy Phaneuf and Gail Rubin
Just got back from New Hampshire, the Granite State with the motto “Live Free or Die.” Of course, you can live free or not. Given humans’ 100% mortality rate, the “Die” part is not optional.
Phaneuf Funeral Homes & Crematorium in Manchester held two community outreach education events on May 23 with Gail Rubin presenting “Kicking the Bucket List: Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die.” Approximately 75 people attended the 2:00 p.m. event in Manchester, and 45 attended the 6:00 p.m. event in Boscawen.
Funeral Director Buddy Phaneuf presented excellent information on pre-need funeral planning after Gail’s Bucket List talk. The audience asked many good questions in both sessions.
Here’s a video of the entire ninety-minute presentation.

Michele Phaneuf-Plasz
“Our funeral homes offer community education outreach sessions several times a year. Gail Rubin’s refreshing approach to preparing for end-of-life issues drew huge crowds who gave overwhelmingly positive feedback. She’s upbeat, well-informed, and a great resource to connect with new clients. Call Gail today!”
— Michele Phaneuf-Plasz, Vice President, Phaneuf Funeral Homes & Crematorium
Learn more about the benefits Gail Rubin offers as a speaker.