Sample Death Ed Bingo! card
Do you like playing Bingo? Do you wish there was an easy way to get people to talk about death and funeral planning?
Be one of the first people to play Gail Rubin’s new game, Death Ed Bingo! Laugh and learn about end-of-life issues while playing this word Bingo game online. Gail will debut Death Ed Bingo! with an online Zoom session on Saturday, January 21, 2023. Join her Death Cafe Albuquerque Meetup group to participate.
Death Ed Bingo!
Just like a traditional Bingo game, players will receive a game card with randomized words instead of numbers. As each death- and funeral-related word is called, there’s a brief teachable moment about each word. Words in the game include: Death, Grief, Obituaries, Cremation, Caskets, Green Burial, Pre-Need Planning, Alkaline Hydrolysis, NOR, MAID, NDEs, Embalming, Funeral Director, and Hospice.
This event will be limited to 30 people, so sign up early through this Meetup event to get the Zoom link. Your online Death Ed Bingo! game card link will be sent to registered attendees the day of the game, January 21. Give this online game session a try and provide your feedback. We’re dying to know what you think!
About Gail Rubin
You may know Gail as the host of Death Cafes in Albuquerque, holding both in-person and online events. Her title is The Doyenne of Death®, and she’s a pioneering death educator. She also created Newly-Dead® The Game. It’s like the old TV game show, The Newlywed Game, but the questions focus on how well a couple knows their partners’ last wishes. Gail is preparing the Before I Die Festival in a Box®, a manual and resources for holding a conversation-starting Before I Die Festival.
Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist, works with organizations to connect them with baby boomers concerned about end-of-life issues. A featured speaker at TEDxABQ in 2015, she’s the author of three books on end-of-life issues, including A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die and KICKING THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die. In a previous lifetime, she was a public relations professional and an event planner. Subscribe to her weekly podcast, The Doyenne of Death®.