New on The Doyenne of Death Podcast: Near-Death Experiences

Nov 3, 2022 | 0 comments

What are Near-Death Experiences?

Near-death experiences (NDEs) happen when a person is either clinically dead, near death, or in a situation where death is likely or expected. Today’s medical treatments can save many individuals who might have otherwise died. As a result, people return from these traumatic events with remarkable stories and insights.

Lee Witting

Lee Witting

Could having a near-death experience reduce fear of death and of funeral planning? Lee Witting, representing the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), joins host Gail Rubin on The Doyenne of Death Podcast to discuss a range of near-death experience issues.

Lee Witting’s interest in NDEs began as a child, when he drowned in a lake near Branchville, NJ. He serves as a chaplain at a major Maine hospital and pastors the Union Street Brick Church in Bangor, Maine. He is publications director for the International Association for Near-Death Studies. Check out his weekly exploration of Near-Death Experiences on NDE Radio with Lee Witting.

This interview is being shared in two parts, approximately 30 minutes each. Topics discussed include:

  • What a near-death experience is and how they are perceived
  • The hallmarks of both pleasurable and distressing NDEs
  • How NDEs change those who experience them
  • Who has near-death experiences
  • What NDEs can teach us about the body, mind and spirit.

Part One

Part Two

The Doyenne of Death® podcast covers a wide range of critical information most people don’t consider until there’s a death in the family. Host Gail Rubin brings a light touch to a serious subject and presents expert interviews on funeral planning issues with practical insights into the party no one wants to plan. By planning ahead and having a conversation, families can reduce stress at a time of grief, minimize family conflict, save money and create a meaningful, memorable “good goodbye.” Sign up for a free planning form and get more information at


Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist and The Doyenne of Death®, is an award-winning author, speaker, and pioneering death educator. She is also a Certified Funeral Celebrant, funeral planning consultant, and insurance agent. She uses humor, film clips and outside-the-box activities to get the funeral planning conversation started. She has held Before I Die Festivals in New Mexico for five years in a row. Rubin is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling and the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association.

A Good Goodbye