If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get organized, consider including organizing for end-of-life issues — since we never know when that’s going to happen (*STRESS*!). Not to fear, A Good Goodbye has lots of free resources to help you.
If you haven’t downloaded the free 10-page planning form from the website, sign up through the News & Notes box on the right side of the home page. You’ll get immediate access to your choice of a Word or PDF document. If you feel intimidated by the number of pages, you’ll also get a weekly email prompt to help you actually fill in the form one page at a time.
You can also sign up for the free eBook about cremation, Celebrating Life: How to Create Meaningful Memorial Services, with Templates and Tips. If you prefer to have an actual book in your hands, Hail and Farewell: Cremation Ceremonies, Templates and Tips is only $10 plus shipping.
You can also schedule a consultation with me on getting your final affairs together. See some testimonials here.
The Family Plot Blog Highlights
Click on the titles to read these blog posts on downsizing. Review all posts on The Family Plot Blog or view just the Death Cartoons posted on the blog!
Five Good Reasons to Downsize Your Stuff Having cats is reason #4.
Five Downsizing and Organizing Tips for the New Year A cluttered space contributes to a confused mind. Clear your space and open up to new opportunities and possibilities in 2016.
Appraisals and Estate Planning Art, jewelry, collectibles, antiques, musical instruments, and even your house can affect the overall value of an estate. Appraisals provide a snapshot in time of each item’s value.

You may be interested in this article from the January/February 2016 issue of Mother Jones Magazine, titled “My Right to Die: Assisted suicide, my family and me” by Kevin Drum. It’s a compelling story that includes a comprehensive overview of the history behind the movement toward death with dignity, physician aid in dying and Compassion and Choices. You may find it to be an interesting, worthwhile read.