Today’s funeral and end-of-life news stories include those of a man who used California’s medical aid-in-dying law to facilitate having his head cryogenically frozen; palliative care for pets; and the perils to police escorting funeral processions. Click on the headlines to read the full story.
El Paso Funeral Homes Needing to Change Funeral Services After New Regulation: EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) Local funeral homes are dealing with new changes after the El Paso Police Department set a new regulation in place, banning police officers from escorting funeral processions. The policy was put in place after an officer was hit and hospitalized in the ICU.
Talking Veterinary Clients Through Palliative Care for Pets: Veterinary palliative care expert Dr. Katherine Goldberg has straightforward advice on how to discuss goals of care for ailing pets with their pet parents, and ultimately achieve better outcomes for the client and the pet.
Startups Shed Light on the Dark Industry of Funeral Services: Funeralocity is a free platform that allows consumers to search and compare prices for everything from caskets, embalming, funeral homes, and cremation providers. The site has services listed in over 100 metropolitan areas in all 50 U.S. states.
California Man Becomes the First ‘Death With Dignity’ Patient to Undergo Cryogenic Preservation: A terminally ill patient who opted for assisted death has undergone cryonic preservation at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.
And if you missed the news coverage about the first one-day Before I Die Festival in Bakersfield, California, visit this post at The Family Plot Blog.