Creating a Moving Photomontage

Jan 24, 2010 | 0 comments

A number of funeral homes now offer to put together a video photomontage set to music. It can be shown at the service and used as part of a memorial display at the reception. This is also something you can do yourself.

You’ll need a wide variety of images that cover the span of the person’s life – plan on collecting 50 to 60 images for a four-minute presentation. A few tips for preparing a moving photomontage:

  • Assemble images in chronological order, from infancy, to youth, to oldest age.
  • Do not go back in time with the images once you have passed a certain stage – it interrupts the flow of the image narrative.
  • Try to present a balanced number of images for each phase of life.
  • Use shots that reflect the person’s personality and activities – not just “standing in front of a house” images.
  • If including end-of-life photos, be judicious – it’s not their best-looking time.
  • Choose a song or music that has meaning for the family or the deceased.
  • Keep the presentation within five minutes – any longer, attention may wander.

If your audience is moved to tears by the end, you know you’ve created a loving, meaningful photomontage.

A Good Goodbye