Talking About Tomorrow’s Las Vegas Talk

Nov 17, 2014 | 0 comments

A scene from Nora's Will

A scene from Nora’s Will

Tomorrow night is the big splash in Vegas! I’ll be presenting “Jewish Funeral Traditions on Film” this Tuesday, November 18 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Nathan Adelson Hospice – Walter L. Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care, 4131 Swenson Street, Las Vegas, NV 89119.

Last week, I was interviewed by Ira Sternberg for his weekly 30-minute program “Talk About Las Vegas with Ira” on KUNV-FM. Each week, Ira talks with the celebrities, entertainers, writers, and personalities who make Las Vegas the most exciting city in the world. Listen to the program online.

And just this morning, I had a great interview with Geoff Scott, host of The Senior Bodyguard show on KLAV-AM 1230.

A few interesting aspects people will learn by coming to this talk:

  • The origin of Jewish funeral traditions – why we do what we do
  • The skinny on Jews, cremation and burial
  • What the Kabbalah has to say about the connection between body and soul
  • The connections between Yom Kippur and sitting shivah
  • How Jewish burial is naturally green burial
  • What to do BEFORE there’s a death to minimize stress and conflict, save money and create a “good goodbye.”

This event is presented by the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. This event is made possible thanks to the support of these sponsors: Kraft-Sussman Funeral Services, King David Memorial Chapel & Cemetery, Jewish Family Service Agency, The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, and Nathan Adelson Hospice.

If you are in Las Vegas, please come out for a fun learning event! RSVP to or call 702-794-0090.

Then on the 19th, I’m presenting “Laughing in the Face of Death: Funny Films for Funeral Planning” to the conference of the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association (CHAPCA). While this talk is just for CHAPCA conference attendees, it’s taking place at Caesar’s Palace. I can say I’ve played at the Palace!


A Good Goodbye