SNL: Avoid Unwanted Conversations with an Urn

Jan 21, 2019 | 0 comments

On Saturday Night Live this weekend, they showed a “commercial” for a unique product for women seeking to avoid men’s unwanted small talk and interactions: the “Alurn.” As in, leave me alone – I have an urn.

A woman hiking in the wilderness, a woman doing yoga on a beach, and a woman sitting at a bar – all are harassed by men. But the guys back off when they see she has an urn! Nothing like the specter of death to quash a conversation.

The tag line: “Leave me Alurn® travel urns for women: kills small talk DEAD.”

It just goes to show, we as a society still have a long way to go to be death positive. Check out the video: I find it highly amusing.

Leave Me Alurn - SNL
A Good Goodbye