There is a reality TV show looking to cast Fabulous Women of the Funeral Industry – and who else is more fabulous than yours truly, The Doyenne of Death? Could A Good Goodbye be on national television?
The producers put out a call for women to be considered, so why not shoot for the moon? I may land among the stars.
While I’m not a funeral director, consider my extensive credentials:
- Author of the award-winning book, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die.
- Host of the TV show/DVD series and Internet radio show also called A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die.
- Creator of The Newly-Dead Game® featured at the Frozen Dead Guy Days Festival for the past three years.
- Conducted my own 30 Funerals in 30 Days Challenge – three years in a row – with YouTube videos for each funeral!
- Hostess of numerous Death Cafes in Albuquerque – the first one west of the Mississippi!
- A Death Educator who is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling (working on my Certified Thanatologist degree!)
- As a speaker, I use funny films to help attract audiences to serious conversations and put the “fun” in funeral.
- A Certified Celebrant who has conducted funerals that leave the family pleased and speechless.
- As a member of the Chevrah Kaddisha, the Jewish burial society, I’ve washed and dressed bodies for burial.
- I’m a member of the cemetery committee for Congregation Albert, helping with maintenance, operations and sales at a historic cemetery, and the International Cemetery Cremation and Funeral Association.
- The Doyenne of Death® is one-of-a-kind!
Check out this YouTube video!

Remember, talking about sex won’t make you pregnant, and talking about funerals won’t make you dead. Start a conversation today!