The Doyenne of Death in a mausoleum.
Did you know about the decomposition issues that can develop when you put a body in an above-ground mausoleum? We’re talking about odorous gasses, leakage and crypt flies.
The Doyenne of Death® gets some pretty interesting emails. This just arrived from Jeff Sanger with BioShield, provider of the Hermetic Entombment System, and the CryptFix Hermetic Re-Entombment System. Jeff provides a glimpse into a little-known part of the cemetery business.
Five Attributes of Successful Entombments
You’re not a stranger to the common challenges of mausoleum entombments like leaks, odors, and flies. Decomposition is a process that is as natural as digestion, and it doesn’t disappear because we lay the deceased to rest within a crypt.
Left unconfined, byproducts of the process will effect the integrity of the building and your client’s peaceful experience.
It’s important to contain decomposition byproducts to avoid these issues. But what’s the point of investing in a cover that protects a casket, but doesn’t contain the process? The bereaved enter your mausoleum expecting a serene environment, and a successful containment system is the way to provide it.
There are several products in the market to choose from, but how do you determine whether or not the value is worth the cost? Look for the following qualities:
Containing decomposition is the first step, but the material of your containment system should also keep elements from getting inside of it, and should withstand the test of time.
Adhesive seals are ideal for temporary closures. A better containment system will provide closure that is air, gas, and water tight-permanently!
Outgassing is a major part of the decomposition process, and requires ventilation. A superior system will vent at a higher internal pressure and emit little to no odor.
Decomposition byproducts don’t disappear even when they are contained. A good containment system manages all decomposition phases through provision of full absorption and coagulation of liquids.
Your containment system should provide employees with a safe and easy entombment process. Consider how many people are required to complete the task, and ensure that all materials are toxin free.
BioShield is scientifically engineered to protect distinguished mausoleums from leaks, odors, and flies by isolating decomposition byproducts in an uncomplicated, airtight container.
It is made with our Bio-Lam multi-layered, reinforced and heavy duty barrier material, featuring the thickest barrier foil on the market. All heat seals are produced on equipment with electronic temperature controls, and pneumatic pressure control for consistent hermetic seal production.
BioShield uses aerospace-grade pressure relief valves which provide precision control of gas emissions at high internal pressures. All liquids are readily prevented from flowing by our super absorbant tissue/polymer based tray pads. Liquids begin coagulation immediately upon contact with the pad.
Additionally, BioShield is exceptionally safe to use. There are no adhesives, solvents, or high temperature emitting tools needed!
Bet you haven’t thought about ventilation and all those other elements! Now you’re in the know.