The Frozen Dead Guy Days Festival (FDGD) is one wild and wacky festival, celebrating all things dead and frozen. Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist and The Doyenne of Death®, will be there to conduct The Newly-Dead Game® and show the film, “Grandpa’s in the TUFF SHED” on Saturday and Sunday. The festival, which takes place March 13 to 15, 2020, features a parade of hearses, coffin races over a snowy obstacle course, costumed polar plunging, frozen T-shirt contests, music, parties, and much more.
Watch the Video Preview with Gail Rubin

And yes, there is a real frozen dead guy at the center of it all: Norwegian immigrant Bredo Morstoel. The Nederland Chamber of Commerce started the festival in 2002 to generate tourism during a traditionally slow time of year. More than 25,000 people visit Nederland each year during the three-day festival.
Vote for this Award-Winning Festival!
Frozen Dead Guy Days has been nominated as a contender for USA Today’s 2020 10Best Readers’ Choice travel awards, for Best Cultural Festival. It won in the top 10 in 2019. The contest gives voters four weeks to vote for the candidate of their choice.
A person can vote once a day for the run of the contest. Voting ends Monday, March 2nd and the winners will be announced on 10Best on Friday, March 13th. Show Frozen Dead Guy Days some love and vote daily!
Grandpa’s in the TUFF SHED
The whole crazy story of the origin of the Frozen Dead Guy is told in the 25-minute 1998 documentary, “Grandpa’s in the TUFF SHED.” Gail Rubin, CT, will host screenings at the 2020 Frozen Dead Guy Days Festival on Saturday, March 14 and Sunday, March 15 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The location for festival film screenings is at the Caribou Shopping Center, 20 Lakeview Drive, next to Nederland’s famous Carousel of Happiness. Look for the bright red EVENT banners!
The Carousel of Happiness
During Gail Rubin’s first visit to Nederland for Frozen Dead Guy Days in 2011, she recorded this video of the Carousel of Happiness. It’s worth a view!

Newly-Dead® The Game

Gail Rubin created Newly-Dead® The Game for Frozen Dead Guy Days, and it has become an enduring part of the festival. She will emcee four sessions of the game, two for couples, two for individuals.
The original concept is based on the old TV show, “The Newlywed Game.” In the Couples Edition, the questions focus on how well players know their partner’s last wishes. In the Individuals Edition, where everyone in the audience can play, the questions test how well prepared you are for your Final Exit.
Rubin debuted the game at Frozen Dead Guy Days in 2011. It’s free to play, and sessions will be video recorded for a highlight reel to be posted on YouTube. Sessions are scheduled on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. (couples) and 5:00 p.m. (individuals), and on Sunday at noon (individuals) and 4:00 p.m. (couples). Prizes will be awarded to all participants.
Festival Package Prize Drawing
Attendees over age 18 can enter a drawing to win Frozen Dead Guy Days swag, A Good Goodbye books and DVDs, and other great prizes. Drawing slips can be filled out at the Caribou Shopping Center location for showings of “Grandpa’s in the TUFF Shed.” You do not need to be present to win. The prize package will be mailed to the winner after the festival is over.
Showings of “Grandpa’s in the TUFF SHED” and The Newly-Dead Game® are sponsored by:
A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning For Those Who Don’t Plan to Die, Gail Rubin’s website with a host of free downloadable resources on planning ahead for end-of-life issues:, a website for information about alkaline hydrolysis, an eco-friendly, water-based cremation approach with equipment from Bio-Response Solutions.