Nederland, Colorado is getting ready for the crowds to descend this weekend to celebrate Frozen Dead Guy Days. Driving into town, this ice sculpture created by Cool Hand Ice Carving greets visitors. The finishing touches were just being applied when I came by. The temperature was 20 degrees in town.
Bill and Kay Lorenz (pictured below) are the proprietors of the Black Forest Restaurant, where I’m showing the documentary, Grandpa’s in the Tuff Shed. It tells the story of how Bredo Morstoel came to be the Frozen Dead Guy. We’ll also play The Newly-Dead Game at the restaurant.
Volunteers Ozzie and Colleen, pictured below, prepare to sell T-shirts and sweatshirts for the festival. These and other festival goodies are at the Dog House Video store.
Here’s a look at the Carousel of Happiness in Nederland, recorded at last year’s Frozen Dead Guy Days. Stephanie West Allen provided some history about this on her blog.