My husband Dave and I are gearing up to hit the road to Colorado for Frozen Dead Guy Days this weekend! We’re bringing five hundred copies of A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die, beautiful eye-catching posters for the book and “The Newly-Dead Game,” and all of our most outrageous skull-decorated clothing.
The YouTube video at the top of this post shows a short talk I did before we tried out “The Newly-Dead Game” with three couples at Riverside Funeral Home on February 20. The talk touches on why funerals are the party no one wants to plan, three good reasons to plan ahead, and background about the Frozen Dead Guy Days festival.
Big thanks to the nonprofit organization Engage With Grace which sponsored “The Newly-Dead Game” at Frozen Dead Guy Days. Their One Slide Project provides the five questions that can save your life – or end it. Let’s get the conversation started!
Check out some scenes from last year’s festival, courtesy of the Nederland Chamber of Commerce:

This year’s slogan is Freeze The Day!