Sept. 14: Women Make a Difference Lunch and Learn

Sep 9, 2018 | 0 comments

Gail Rubin, CT

Gail Rubin, CT, pioneering death educator, funeral expert and Celebrant.

It’s not too late to sign up to attend the September 14 Women Make a Difference (WMAD) Lunch and Learn event with Gail Rubin speaking on “Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die.” The event takes place at the JCC of Greater Albuquerque, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE. The lunch features a healthy buffet of fresh, seasonal salads with proteins and veggies – something for every diet! Networking begins at 11:30 a.m. with the formal program at 11:45 a.m.


It is easy to register for the Lunch & Learn. Call WMAD founder Val Romero at 505-362-8546, or email her.

  • Make your reservation by 12:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before the luncheon to guarantee your seat.
  • Because they order the number of luncheons to be served based on the number of reservations, they do bill for no shows.
  • The early registration cost of lunch is $29 via PayPal. If after the deadline, the cost is $32. They accept cash or check at the door – $35. You save when you register online before noon on Tuesday before the luncheon.
  • Please email by 2:00 p.m. the Thursday prior to the luncheon to notify of any changes or cancellations. If prior notification is not given, you will be charged $35 for the missed luncheon.

Here’s the description of the talk:

Kicking the Bucket List CoverDo you plan to live forever? Do you ever plan to move? Depending on where you’re going, you can’t take it with you. This talk focuses on practical ways to downsize excess goods without being overwhelmed by the job, what you need to know to organize your information for your executor, and how to plan for end-of-life issues.

Talking about sex won’t make you pregnant, talking about funerals and end-of-life issues won’t make you dead.”

Gail Rubin, CT, is a pioneering death educator who uses humor and funny films to teach about end-of-life topics.  She’s also an informed advocate for planning ahead, a Certified Funeral Celebrant, and the coordinator of the ‘Before I Die New Mexico Festival’ in late October, 2018.  As an award-winning speaker, she “knocked ’em dead” at TEDxABQ in 2015 and the author of three books on end-of-life issues:

A Good Goodbye