November 28: Gathering of Grief 100th Virtual Vigil with Reimagine

Nov 24, 2023 | 0 comments

Reimagine Gathering of GriefOn Giving Tuesday, November 28 at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, Reimagine is producing a special “Gathering of Grief,” a landmark 100th virtual candlelight vigil, co-hosted with a number of other leading organizations – including A Good Goodbye – dedicated to helping people process loss and grief. If you’ve not been to a Reimagine vigil, this is the one to attend. This 90-minute virtual event, symbolizing our unified commitment to healthy healing and love, redefines ‘giving’ by offering a shared space for you and your community to mourn and process amidst mounting global trauma.

As a collective statement of our values, this gathering is an invitation to experience a mosaic of communal rituals, reflections on grief, and expressions of resilience. Reimagine invited 1,000 participants from diverse backgrounds to unite in acknowledging our collective pain, processing it in healthy ways, and channeling it toward acts of love.

The event includes a collective “GRIEF IS” poem, put together with multiple co-hosts. Here is Gail Rubin’s version of the poem.

GRIEF IS a Heavy Heart and GRIEF IS a Sign of Love

When I see individuals isolating others in the world,

I find myself asking: why does this happen?

One piece of advice that helps me along the way is to step back and release negative thoughts.

I’ve also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to remember with love.

When my husband died unexpectedly (of medical complications after a routine surgery), I felt numb.

The only way I got through it was distracting myself and writing about the journey.

Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for music, magic and messages from beyond.

And if I commit to being present and supportive,

I believe the world could be happier and more loving.

Only together do we rise higher.

Ticket Tiers for “Gathering of Grief”

  • Complimentary Access: For those who feel called to join “Gathering of Grief” but may not have the means to contribute financially, this tier grants full access to the event at no cost. Everyone is welcome, regardless of financial circumstance, to find solace and community.
  • Event Cost Ticket: At this tier, your contribution of $15 covers the direct expenses of your participation. By choosing this ticket, you’re ensuring that the costs of convening this meaningful event are met, supporting the mission of Reimagine to provide healing spaces for all.
  • Pay It Forward Ticket: Priced at $30, this tier not only covers your attendance but also extends the opportunity to someone else who might not be able to afford it. Your generosity enables us to open doors wider and extend the reach of healing and connection.

Register Here.


A Good Goodbye