Gail Rubin speaking, photo by Pete Vidal.
“We Can Do That? New Trends in Death Care” is the title of the next talk Gail Rubin presents at Albuquerque Oasis on Monday, November 27, 10:30 a.m. to noon. The class will take place at the Oasis offices in American Square Shopping Center, 3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 (on the east side of the shopping center facing American Home Furnishings).
Description: The modern funeral is changing. Learn about new death care trends in New Mexico, including green burial, DIY/home funerals, alkaline hydrolysis, aid-in-dying, rising cremation rates, and celebrant-led services. Gail includes funny film clips to illustrate these new trends in this upbeat, fact-filled talk.
Register for Class 15, $8 at Oasis Albuquerque online. Act now – 87 people are already registered!
Gail Rubin, CT (certified thanatologist or death educator), is the author of Kicking the Bucket List: 100 Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die, which just won the New Mexico/Arizona Book Award in three categories. She is a pioneering death educator who uses humor to help reduce resistance to making end-of-life plans — helpful for those who have a 100% mortality rate. She is also the author of A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die. She will have copies of her books available at the talk for sale and signing.