Joan Rivers Death Can Help with End-of-Life Conversations

Sep 10, 2014 | 0 comments

Joan RiversJoan Rivers’ death provides a great example for others in terms of advance medical directives and end-of-life conversations. While she frequently joked about her eventual demise, she did name her daughter Melissa as her health care decision maker should Joan not be able to speak for herself. As Joan herself famously said, “Can we talk?”

In this Forbes article, Joan Rivers Can Help With Difficult End-Of-Life Conversations, authors Danielle and Andy Mayoras skillfully share valuable lessons about how Joan Rivers’ death can help others not eager to hold such conversations.

At, the article Joan Rivers Tragedy Spotlights End-Of-Life Decisions says her abrupt end should motivate people to put their end-of-life instructions in writing before it’s too late.

Over in the New York Times, the Upshot column Can We Have a Fact-Based Conversation About End-Of-Life Planning? looks at the myth of “death panels” and how it just won’t die.

In The Opinionator column, oncology nurse Theresa Brown writes about When It’s The Doctor Who Can’t Let Go. Never mind the family has come to terms with a patient’s terminal illness, the doctor doesn’t want to “give up the fight.” She offers good insights on the benefits of palliative care, versus aggressive medical treatments.

Check out these thought-provoking stories, and have a conversation today.


A Good Goodbye