While we don’t know what happens after we die, there are tantalizing hints from beyond the veil. People who have had Near Death Experiences no longer fear death. Hospice workers hear the dying speak of trips and talk to deceased people. What can we make of voices from beyond? We’ll explore the “woo-woo” side of death in this symposium session.
In this panel discussion, three remarkable women discuss Near Death Experiences and End-of-Life Visions. The panelists are (L to R): Kate Blaker, who had a Near Death Experience at age 25; Jo Lynne, an artist with a unique gift of seeing angels and other visions; and Erin Conklin, hospice and palliative care nurse. The panel was moderated by Gail Rubin, death educator and coordinator of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival.

The discussion was part of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival Symposium, held November 3, 2018 at the University of New Mexico Continuing Education Center, hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNM.
About the Before I Die New Mexico Festival

The six-day Festival offered activities to get us thinking about, talking about and doing something about our 100% mortality rate. Events took place October 30 to November 4, 2018, at multiple locations in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Belen.
The Before I Die NM Festival fosters reflection about how we address death and dying. By providing space and opportunities to openly discuss end-of-life issues, we can improve the number of those who plan ahead and take actions to address our mortality. These actions can reduce stress and conflict, save money, and help grieving individuals better navigate the mourning process.
Thank you to the sponsors and partners who made the Before I Die New Mexico Festival possible:
- A Good Goodbye Death educator Gail Rubin puts the “fun” in funeral planning.
- EternityGardens.com Giving families looking for a final resting place for cremated remains guidance on the range of options available for people and pets.
- National Guardian Life Insurance Company For more than 100 years, one of America’s most successful and highly rated independent mutual life insurance companies.
- FRENCH Funerals and Cremations Albuquerque’s largest and oldest family-owned funeral service company.
- Morris Hall New Mexico’s premiere estate planning attorneys.
- EstatePros Your expert resource for property organization, distribution and administration.
- Legacy Concierge Helping prevent identity theft, secure digital access to online accounts, and provide a host of other important services to the families of the deceased.
- Passages International A leading provider of environmentally friendly funeral options for burial and cremated remains.
- Zia Trust The Advisors’ Trust Company®.
Partners were La Puerta Natural Burial Ground, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of New Mexico, Guild Cinema, Berardinelli Family Funeral Service, Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico, Compassion & Choices NM Action Team, Daniels Family Funeral Services, Catholic Cemetery Association, and LifeIZShort.com.