When it comes to paying for funeral costs, many families are caught short. They’re surprised by the cost, which ranges from $7,000 to $12,000, in addition to cemetery expenses, obituaries and flowers.
The management of funeral costs was discussed at length in episode eight of the TV interview series, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die.
In this short overview, we look at an infographic from Funeralwise.com that details funeral financing choices: life insurance, final expense insurance, pre-need insurance, cash and credit cards.

A Good Goodbye TV presents an educational and entertaining 12-episode series of 25-minute programs with expert interviews on “everything you need to know before you go.”
Host Gail Rubin brings a light touch to a serious subject. Like her award-winning book of the same name, the TV interviews cover a lot of information most folks don’t know about until faced with a death in the family.
Each 25-minute episode provides valuable insights into funeral planning issues. From pre-need planning to grief counseling, financial issues to the latest trends in death care, these interviews offer eye-opening insights into the party no one wants to plan.
The entire 12-episode series of A Good Goodbye TV interviews is available through online retailers and at https://agoodgoodbye.com/radio-tv/a-good-goodbye-tv-series/
SPECIAL OFFER: Place your order for the four-DVD set today for $49.97 plus shipping. As a special bonus, the book A Good Goodbye is available at half-price to those who order the TV series on DVD. CLICK HERE to order.
If you want more information about funeral financing choices, call Gail Rubin to discuss further. You can reach her at 505-265-7215.