Pet loss and ways to memorialize a pet are covered in this week’s episode of A Good Goodbye TV.
The guests interviewed are pet loss grief counselor Ann Beyke and Vaughn Hendren with Best Friends Pet Cremation Services and Best Friends Forever cemetery.
This episode also features the pet loss resources available at This site has information on euthanasia decisions, pet funerals, pet loss and children, and a host of online resources and links.
The discussion in this episode on pet loss includes topics such as:
- How sadness over the death of a pet is often minimized, resulting in disenfranchised grief.
- The differing emotional reactions to human and pet deaths.
- Ways to decide when it’s time to put a pet down.
- How to tell when someone is recovering from their grief over a loss.
- Ways to handle the disposition of pet remains.
- How memorializing a pet can help heal grief over pet loss.
Here is video of this episode on pet loss issues.

A Good Goodbye TV is an educational and entertaining 12-episode series of 30-minute programs with expert interviews on “everything you need to know before you go.”
Host Gail Rubin brings a light touch to a serious subject. Like her award-winning book, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die, the television program covers information most people don’t know about until faced with a death in the family.
The 12 programs are available in a set of four DVDs with three interviews per disc. A Good Goodbye TV interviews are grouped by content:
- DVD 1 Over My Dead Body: Essentials of Funeral Planning – Preneed funeral planning, cremation, cemetery Q&A
- DVD 2 Trending Topics: Pets, Funeral Parties and Going Green – Pet loss grief and disposition choices, life celebrations and celebrants, green burial and eco-friendly funerals
- DVD 3 Death and Taxes: A Primer on Finances and Funerals – estate planning, financial planning, cost management
- DVD 4 Good Grief! Save Money, Live and Die Better – Medicaid and more, advance directives, grief counseling
Order for the four-DVD set for $24.99. CLICK HERE to order.