New DVD Series Kick-Starts Funeral Planning Conversations

Dec 26, 2013 | 0 comments

Millions think a basic legal will can handle their estate, funeral arrangements and post-death formalities. They’re dead wrong.

Understandably, many shy away from the subject until their time comes. However, just like talking about sex can’t get a woman pregnant, Gail Rubin (known to many as The Doyenne of Death®) is helping millions realize that talking about funerals won’t actually kill them. her humor and quick wit with years of experience as a Certified Funeral Celebrant and Thanatologist (a death educator), Rubin has already won multiple awards for her book A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die. She’s now expanding that expertise onto television with the release of A Good Goodbye TV interviews on DVD.

The 12-episode series of 25-minute programs are offered as a set of four DVDs. Using her famous light touch to bring serious topics out into the open, expert interviews with Rubin equip viewers with everything they need to know “before they go.” DVD contents include:

DVD 1: Over My Dead Body: Essentials of Funeral Planning
Episode 1 – The Benefits of Pre-Planning a Funeral
Episode 2 – Cremation and Memorial Services
Episode 3 – Cemetery Questions and Answers

DVD 2: Trending Topics: Green Funerals, Life Celebrations and Pet Loss
Episode 4 – Going Green with Eco-Friendly Funerals
Episode 5 – Life Celebrations
Episode 6 – Pet Loss

DVD 3: Death and Taxes: A Primer on Finances and Funerals
Episode 7 – Estate Planning
Episode 8 – Cost Management
Episode 9 – Financial Issues

DVD 4: Good Grief! Save Money, Live and Die Better
Episode 10 – Medicaid and More
Episode 11 – End-of-Life Issues, Advance Directives, Hospice and Palliative Care
Episode 12 – Grief Counseling

“It is vital that issues surrounding death and funeral planning are presented in an accessible format; a format that inspires conversation among friends and family. Ordinarily, people don’t know very much about a family member’s wishes. And the will is not the place to state preferences – it’s often read after the funeral,” says Rubin.

Continuing, “Death is a serious topic, but we present vital information in an engaging way. Having end-of-life conversations before someone dies can save a lot of expense and scrambling around for information, ultimately making a person’s death easier for their family. By watching A Good Goodbye TV, families can openly discuss these important issues and avoid complications.”

The DVD set is available now for $49.97. With the DVD set purchase, there’s a special offer of the book A Good Goodbye at half price.

In 2014, A Good Goodbye TV will be offered online as streaming video and to cable public access channels across the U.S. FRENCH Funerals-Cremations and other companies sponsored the program. For more information, visit: .

About Gail:

Gail Rubin, funeral expert and Celebrant

Gail Rubin, CT, The Doyenne of Death®

Gail Rubin, Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement, is a Certified Funeral Celebrant, pioneering Death Café hostess, funeral planning consultant and a popular speaker who uses humor and films to get the funeral planning conversation started. Also known as The Doyenne of Death®, she’s the author of the award-winning book, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die as well as host of A Good Goodbye television series and Internet radio show.

Rubin is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association, and the National Speakers Association New Mexico Chapter. She is Vice President of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue of New Mexico, helping to start conversations across religions.

Contact:  Gail Rubin  |  505-265-7215  |

A Good Goodbye