Jewish Funeral Traditions Discussed on A Good Goodbye Radio

Jul 29, 2013 | 0 comments

Jewish StarEven though Jewish funeral traditions are thousands of years old, many Reform and Conservative Jews today are unfamiliar with those rites.

Thanks to a general reluctance to discuss issues of death and dying, the rituals and the reasons behind them get lost. But a growing number of Jews are discovering the spirituality and healing offered by their long-held traditions.

David Zinner, founder and executive director of Kavod v’Nichum (Honor and Comfort) discusses Jewish funeral traditions on this episode of A Good Goodbye Radio. Listen to the podcast:

Kavod v’Nichum (Honor and Comfort) is a nonprofit organization that works to restore Jewish death and bereavement practices, including the traditions and values of kavod hamet (honoring the dead) and nichum avelim (comforting the bereaved). Zinner is also the founder and Executive Director of the Gamliel Institute, a center for leadership training and advocacy of traditional Jewish practice in the continuum of care at the end of life.

Topics discussed during the show include:

  • The differences between Jewish and Christian funeral traditions;
  • What are the Chevrah Kaddisha, shmira and tahara;
  • Who can perform the washing and dressing of the dead;
  • How Jewish burial is naturally green burial;
  • Jewish traditions around dying, death, funerals, burials, cemeteries, grief and mourning.

A Good Goodbye is an entertaining and educational online radio show on “everything you need to know before you go.” A Good Goodbye covers a wide range of critical information most people don’t consider until there’s a death in the family.

By planning ahead and having a conversation, families can reduce stress at a time of grief, minimize family conflict, save money and create a meaningful, memorable “good goodbye.” Host Gail Rubin brings a light touch to a serious subject and presents expert interviews on funeral planning issues with practical insights into the party no one wants to plan.

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