The “death with dignity” movement is gaining steam across North America, as evidenced by the state of Vermont recently approving legislation to allow aid in dying.
Aid in dying allows terminally ill, mentally competent adult patients to request — and physicians to prescribe — life-ending medication to bring about a peaceful death when a patient’s suffering becomes unbearable.
Erin Marshall, New Mexico Campaign Manager for Compassion & Choices, will discuss death with dignity issues on A Good Goodbye Radio this Wednesday, June 12. Download the podcast!
Compassion & Choices, the leading nonprofit organization committed to helping everyone plan for and achieve the best death possible, are experts in what it takes to die well. They offer free end-of-life counseling, advance planning resources, referrals and guidance.
They work across the nation to protect and expand options at the end of life and give suffering patients some control in their final days – even when injury or illness takes their voice.
Some of the issues to be discussed include:
- How to avoid unwanted medical treatment near end-of-life;
- Ways to discuss end-of-life wishes with doctors and family;
- What you can do if you live in a state with no aid-in-dying laws;
- The legal challenges faced by unmarried couples and families who don’t meet traditional definitions;
- Which states now allow physician-assisted death;
- Legal challenges currently in the courts and the implications of each case.
A Good Goodbye is an entertaining and educational weekly 60-minute online radio show on “everything you need to know before you go.” A Good Goodbye program podcasts can be downloaded from iTunes or
A Good Goodbye covers a wide range of critical information most people don’t consider until there’s a death in the family. Topics to be discussed on upcoming programs include: the Death Café movement (June 26), Certified Funeral Celebrants (July 3), personalization of funerals (July 10), the purposes and practices of death rituals (July 17) and life planning and estate issues (July 24).
By planning ahead and having a conversation, families can reduce stress at a time of grief, minimize family conflict, save money and create a meaningful, memorable “good goodbye.” Host Gail Rubin brings a light touch to a serious subject and presents expert interviews on funeral planning issues with practical insights into the party no one wants to plan.
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