Sirius Chan, president of Sich Casket Company, in their 2017 ICCFA expo booth.
Sirius Chan is very serious about making high quality American style caskets available to U.S. funeral directors at astonishingly low prices. He’s able to do that by making Sich Casket Company’s products in Ningbo, China and importing them to the United States.
At the ICCFA convention and expo, Chan said, “We build all of our caskets in China, but they’re all American styled, and made according to American specs…. We’re always seeking to improve them.”
Sich produces high quality wood, metal and specialty caskets, such as all-wood Orthodox Jewish caskets, oversized caskets for larger individuals, and caskets with special decorations or themes. In the video below, Chan points out features on a casket that incorporates burl wood veneer and hardwood parts, creating an impressive final product. “It’s not a casket you see every day in a funeral home or on the market. It’s considered something special,” he said.
The oversize metal casket, made of 18 gauge steel, looks like a regular size casket that can fit into a regular size plot. However, with clever engineering using a curved outer shell, they expanded a standard 27-1/2 inch-wide casket to an interior of 28-1/2 inches. That extra interior inch can make all the difference when burying an extra-large decedent. The standard-size exterior enables the casket to be buried in a standard size burial plot, avoiding the need to buy two plots to fit a larger box.
He also showed a solid cedar casket with a high gloss finish – very different – and quite popular at the expo.
The company first entered the U.S. market in 2005 and has grown enormously since then. Learn more about Sirius Chan and the company at www.SichCasket.com.

Have a fortune cookie!
Sich Casket Company keeps its prices low thanks in part to a state-of-the-art automated warehousing system that has set a new world-wide standard for casket production, inventory management and shipping.
Many companies at the expo offer give-away items that reflect on their marketing themes. This company offered fortune cookies to attendees.
Here’s a fun video of the set up of Sich Casket Company’s booth at the 2017 ICCFA convention expo. The booth filled a shipping container.