Dave gets his head scanned by UPD Urns
My husband Dave had his head scanned at the ICCFA convention. No, he wasn’t having a medical procedure to examine the inside of his head.
Tyler Fraser, CEO of UPD Urns, was using a laser light gun to show how he creates realistic-looking 3D sculptures for memorial urns.
“We make 3D printed memorials,” said Fraser. “The quality is striking. It’s an accurate portrayal of what the person looked like when they were scanned.”
“This is primarily a pre-need product. We need the person to look good and prepare for this scan. It’s like preparing for a family portrait,” said Fraser. While it is possible to get a high-quality 3D print from photos, it’s preferable to have a live person sit for the scan process.

Bronze UPD Urn Bust
Fraser showed a white bust, a version made of gypsum. This is a close mineral relative of alabaster, which was used for sculptures in ancient Rome and the Middle Ages. Busts can also be upgraded with copper, bronze, brass or nickle plating.
A 3D printer actually creates the bust using the points plotted by the laser scan of a person’s head and shoulders. A high-quality scan takes about 10 minutes to capture the exact printer plot points.
In the video below, the scan was very quick, but the results on the laptop computer are still remarkable.
The completed bust would sit on top of a black wooden box urn. The urn can be interred and the bust kept as a memorial at home. To request more information, visit www.UPDUrns.com/3D.