Think about it – could your credit card limit handle a charge of $8,000 to $15,000 or more for the products and services of a funeral home or cemetery? However, think of the points, the miles if you could!
“The reality is that seven out of ten people today simply haven’t set aside funds for a crisis,” said Bruce Moore, Principal at “Our company works with funeral directors throughout the country, so they’re able to finance funerals and memorial services and families are able to honor their loved ones as they wish, without a tremendous upfront financial burden.”
Funeral homes and cemeteries won’t bury or cremate your loved one without some kind of payment upfront. Many accept credit cards and some offer unsecured credit plans to families that need the funds. was at the 2018 convention and expo of the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) to introduce their funeral financing services.
If a family doesn’t have the money in hand to pay for the funeral arrangements, or they don’t have insurance, provides non-collateral loans at a lower rate than a credit card would charge. Their average loan to someone with an average credit score is about 10.08%, compared to average credit card rates of 17% and more. Terms can range anywhere from 36 months to 60 months.
“It’s much better to be able to spend two hundred dollars a month versus coming up with ten thousand,” said Moore. “Folks can pay the loan off at any time, so when they sell Mother’s house, when they resolve the estate, it’s not a problem.”
Moore is a long-time funeral director, and has also worked in personal finance for a number of years. “We’re kind of putting the chocolate and the peanut butter together to benefit the families being served by the funeral directors here at ICCFA.”
The company also offers insurance assignments and will be offering online memorial fundraising. Watch the video below and learn more at