After 20 years of perfecting the art of conserving paw prints for pet parents, World By the Tail introduced ClayLinks® Kits, the forever hand print kit for people, at the 2016 ICCFA convention. The hand or foot print mementos are helpful bereavement care tools in hospitals when newborns and infants die.
Now funeral directors can use ClayLinks as an easy, affordable keepsake, ready to go home with a family the same day they make funeral arrangements. Hand prints can also be made while a person is alive and doing their pre-need funeral planning.
These special mementos, called linking objects, help grieving families remain connected with their deceased loved ones. Before taking leave of a loved one in a hospital, funeral home or crematory, families can participate in the creation of a hand print keepsake that’s ready to take home in 30 minutes.
“We’ve been making ClayPaws®, the original paw print kit, for 20 years now,” said Bryn Frisina with World By the Tail. “We’ve taken everything we have learned from this industry and we are now moving it into the human/medical/funeral home side.”
“We have a proprietary formula for our polymer clay, and we have a whole print-making system that allows you to quickly and easily make prints in under 30 minutes for families who have lost a loved one.”
The ClayLinks kits include their soft white modeling clay compound, a plastic storage bag that doubles as a take home container for the finished piece, and instructions. Round, oval or heart-shaped molds, a flexible working surface called the Patty Pad, decorative stamps, ribbons and charms, keepsake bags, and storage options are also available.
After an impression is taken and decorations or writing added, the clay is baked in an oven at 275 degrees for 20 minutes. The print making system can be used to make as many keepsakes as a family wants.
“Our whole objective is to avoid sending families home empty-handed,” explained Frisina. “With a lot of other products you have to wait days or weeks to be able to send it home. This is a day-of memento.”
More information about ClayLinks is available at, and for the ClayPaws kits for pets, visit