Sending thank you notes is a major chore, if people do it at all. The idea of sending thank you notes after a funeral can be overwhelming to a grieving family. An interesting new product on display at the ICCFA expo that addresses this problem is A Simple Thank You.
A Simple Thank You is a digital registry that funeral homes can offer to families. It’s an iPad app that takes the place of a hand-written registry at visitations or funerals.
It makes the guest book readable, creates a database, generates mailing labels and thank you cards, and produces a memory book of event attendees and participants. All the family member has to do is put a stamp on the envelope and drop it in the mail (it might be nice if they signed the card too, but the family name will already be printed in the card).
In addition, funeral attendees can opt-in to be contacted by the funeral home about pre-need planning. So often, when people attend the funeral of a friend or family member, that’s when they are most likely to consider pre-planning for themselves.
The idea was born when Chris Gordon’s wife died a few years ago. The thought of writing thank you notes was too much for him while he grappled with grief. He has come up with an elegant solution, explained in this video.

A Simple Thank You is only available through funeral homes, so don’t hesitate to ask for it!