What was a NASCAR racing simulator doing at the ICCFA 2013 Expo? It encouraged attendees to race around to visit the various exhibitors at the expo so they could win a pair of tickets to a NASCAR Sprint Cup series race.
The vehicle was an actual NASCAR racer that had been retired and fitted with a simulator system. Participants get in the driver’s seat and see what it looks like to be on the track. A screen on top of the vehicle showed the passing observer what the driver was seeing. He or she who negotiates the fastest lap wins!
The sponsors for the NASCAR Racing Experience were emblazoned on the side of the vehicle. Sponsors included IMSA (the International Memorialization Supply Association), NOMIS publications, American Coach Sales, American Funeral Financial, Forston & Associates, PLPA (Pet Loss Professionals Association), Trigard, Heart to Heart, Ingram, MBS, Matthews International, Clark Grave Vaults, and Mork Mausoleum.
Check out the video of this vehicle!
![NASCAR Simulator at ICCFA 2013](https://i0.wp.com/i.ytimg.com/vi/RlcuZGb-W3Q/maxresdefault.jpg?w=1080&ssl=1)