If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, you may have seen vendors in the passageways between casinos hawking 3D photo images in crystal, made to order on the spot. It’s amazing how they can do this! You can now find similar technology being used by your local funeral home to preserve memories of your loved ones.
Legacy Touch started four years ago, creating custom fingerprint memorial jewelry for families. The funeral director takes a fingerprint impression from the deceased prior to burial or cremation. Legacy Touch digitizes the fingerprint and cuts that unique pattern onto pendants, charms, bracelets, dog tags, rings and other items. They can make jewelry of solid gold, brass, aluminum, and other metals.
At the 2016 National Funeral Directors Association convention and expo, they added 3D Crystal Legacy. Mark Cordes, Vice President of Marketing for Legacy Touch, explained the process saying, “We work with a family’s image, it can be an old black and white photo or a new digital picture. We pull the three-dimensional information out of that print and then create the 3D image that is laser-cut in a solid optical-grade crystal.”
The family would provide the image to the funeral director at a funeral home that provides Legacy Touch products. The image is then scanned and sent in for processing. When creating these 3D photographic keepsakes, it’s best to keep the number of people in the images to one or two, although they have created keepsakes with groups of as many as four.
The family can order whatever products in whatever quantity they want online at www.LTKeepsakes.com. Funeral homes provide families with a PIN number for each decedent. That’s how the information and images are correctly assigned, and funeral homes can track the sales to receive a commission. Orders are delivered usually within two weeks.
You can see some examples of the 3D Crystal Legacy photographs in the video below.