The Fair Heights Neighborhood Association had me address their annual meeting this past Saturday. Some of the topics covered: How Grandpa Bredo Morstoel became the centerpiece of Frozen Dead Guy Days, three really good reasons to do advance funeral planning, no matter what your age, cremation, and green burial. We had a lively Q&A and finished with Benjamin Franklin’s words of wisdom regarding body and spirit.
BTW, this week we debut a new funny film collection! It’s called “Ashes to Ashes, Dust in Your Face: Cremation, Comedy and Creativity.” Come on out to learn more about this disposition method that continues to grow in popularity.
The films include The Big Lebowski, The Bucket List, Departures, Due Date, Elizabethtown, He Died with a Felafel in His Hand, and The Vikings.
If you are in Albuquerque on Wednesday, March 14, I’ll be presenting the talk at 6:00 p.m. at the McLeod YMCA, 12500 Comanche NE, just west of Tramway. It will also be presented on Friday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m. in the Los Volcanes Senior Center, 6500 Los Volcanes NW.
This talk below is a 34 minute video.