At the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) conference back in June, I met a wonderful woman from Scotland named Tabitha Jayne. She spoke at the conference about overcoming grief by communing with nature. Her talk was titled, “The Transformative Power of Nature in Grief and Loss.”
Tabitha Jayne became an expert in the field of grief and loss coaching after she developed an interest in the topic following the sudden death of her younger brother.
She says, “The death of my brother was the most profound experience and loss in my life. It made me realise that life is too short and challenged me to transform my own life into something that I was proud of. Despite all the pain and anguish, all the tears and hurt, my brother dying is one of the best things that happened to me. Peter inspired me to learn to live life fully both as tribute to him and to gain meaning from tragedy.”
At her website, www.TabithaJayne.com, she has a blog with video posts. She interviewed me at the conference, where I spoke about using funny films to start funeral planning conversations and leading by example. Hope you’ll check it out!