They don’t call, they don’t write. They’re our deceased family and friends whose contact information lives on in our address books. Why do we keep them there?
There’s a great essay, “Why I keep the Dearly Departed in My Address Book,” by Edward Zuckerman in a recent New York Times Magazine on the topic. Read it and enjoy.
Some thoughts to ponder:
Your own email and online accounts – What happens to them when you die?
Do we remember earlier versions of ourselves when we the people who we knew earlier in our lives?
What can we do to better remember our dearly departed? After all, we just finished singing Aulde Lange Syne last night.
Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Of course not.
While you’re over at the New York Times Magazine section, peruse The Lives They Lived issue commemorating those who died in 2012. We all make a difference, sometimes without our knowing.
Happy New Year!