How do you create a tangible object to remember a loved one, before that person dies? Here’s an answer in today’s guest post contributed by Laurel Lagoni.
All too often, people are advised to put everything away that reminds them of a loved one who has died. The false belief is that the best way to recover from loss is to cut off all memories that might cause feelings of sadness and grief.
But grief experts say maintaining a bond with a loved one so it continues beyond death is usually a healthier way to grieve. Continuing bonds honor relationships, even while the surviving loved ones move forward with their lives.
ClayLinks™ Prints, with their beautiful, decorative accessories, are one way to create those on-going, treasured connections.
Betty Hart learned about ClayLinks™ Prints when she showed her funeral planner a photo of her eight-year-old grandchild, Lola.
“I don’t see her often enough, but I tell her she’s always in my heart,” Betty said. “And, since my last name is Hart, she calls me her Heart Grandma! Since I’m pre-planning my funeral arrangements today, is there something I can include in this plan that will be a special remembrance for her?”
The planner suggested that Betty could make a personalized keepsake – often called a linking object – for Lola. She showed her an example of a finished ClayLinks™ handprint and explained that a linking object like this would help Betty and her granddaughter stay forever connected in a comforting way.
“The handprint is a symbol of the continuing bond you will always share,” the planner explained. “We can make a print of your hand, decorate it and bake it all before you leave today.”
Betty loved the idea so, when they were finished with their meeting, she and the planner made the impression and decorated it with several, colorful heart charms. Betty stamped the words “Love always from your Heart Grandma” into the clay and finished it off with a bright purple ribbon tied in a bow.
“Now, Lola will be able to hold your hand every day for the rest of her life,” the planner said. Betty hugged her and, after she left, the planner made a note to include the precious handprint with Betty’s paperwork once it was completed.
To learn more about ClayLinks™ Kits, visit

Laurel Lagoni, CEO, World by the Tail
Laurel Lagoni is the Co-owner and CEO of World by the Tail, Inc., the creator and distributor of CaringWisdom™ and Veterinary Wisdom® bereavement support products. Laurel is also the co-founder and former Director of the Argus Institute for Families and Veterinary Medicine, a pioneering veterinary grief education and support program at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University. Laurel holds a Master’s Degree in Human Development and Family Studies, with specialties in family therapy and grief counseling, from Colorado State University.