Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death®, is an unconventional death educator who’s available for speaking engagements. She’ll “knock ‘em dead” with her enthusiastic approach to getting the conversation started on life and death issues.
Her talks are appropriate for a wide range of audiences and settings, including conferences and conventions for funeral directors and social workers, for hospices and hospitals, at colleges and businesses.
“Gail Rubin’s talk, Jewish Funeral Traditions on Film, was a win-win for the JCC, the sponsors of the event, and our members. We had a great turn-out of JCC members and the public who laughed and learned a great deal. Gail is terrific!”
— Rachelle Weiss Crane and Heather Cordova, Aaron Family JCC of Dallas
Read more about speaking opportunities with Gail Rubin.
There’s a saying that you can’t pay someone to do your push-ups for you. However, you can hire a personal trainer to make sure you do your push-ups. It’s the same with funeral planning. Many people say they will get around to it sometime, and funeral planning invariably falls to the bottom of the to-do list – to the family’s detriment.
Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death®, is your personal trainer for funeral planning. She acts as your informed advocate in an area so many fear to tread – a funeral home arrangement room.
Read more about funeral planning consulting with Gail Rubin.

Gail Rubin also consults with funeral homes on outreach to the general public on end-of-life / funeral planning issues and how to get the conversation started.
Please call 505.265.7215 to discuss how we might work together!
Read testimonials about Gail Rubin’s speaking and consulting, and her book, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die.