Yesterday, with the help of a wonderful group of friends, I did a trial run of “The Newly-Dead Game” in anticipation of taking it big time at Frozen Dead Guy Days in two weeks.
The general consensus: It’s fun! It’s educational! It’s a great way to get the funeral planning conversation going!
Three couples played: Lenann and Ken, Lois and Ed, and Pat and Jay. They were charged with answering “last wishes” questions about their spouse, such as:
“What song would he or she want played at their funeral?” “What is his/her mother’s maiden name?” What method of disposition would he/she prefer?” “What is his/her most prized possession, and who would he/she want to leave it to?” “Outside of family, who are the two closest friends he/she would want notified first?”
It was quite a point battle back and forth, and we needed an extra tie-breaker question at the end. As with “The Newlywed Game,” some interesting information came out, and all the couples realized there was more information they could share with each other and their families.
An audience of about 25 people gathered in the chapel at Riverside Funeral Home for the event, which included a Q&A after the game. The participating couples all received a copy of A Good Goodbye, and the winners, Lenann and Ken, also received a restaurant gift certificate. Thanks to all who came and participated!
Thanks also to the nonprofit organization Engage With Grace which is sponsoring “The Newly-Dead Game” at Frozen Dead Guy Days. For the five questions that might save your life — or end it… www.EngageWithGrace.org.