Clothing and accessories can really help break the ice when it comes to to talking about death, funeral planning, and end-of-life issues. My go-to pieces are a skull concho belt from Mexico, black Lucchese cowboy boots with embroidered skulls and roses, and Scully western shirts that match those boots.
Look out world, The Doyenne of Death has a new pair of cowboy boots! These incredible sugar skull embroidered boots are made by Old Gringo in Laredo, Mexico.
You can see these new beauties if you come to the Pecha Kucha Night at the South Broadway Cultural Center this Friday, August 11 at 6:00 p.m. (tickets $5).
Pecha Kucha Night is a TED talks-inspired artist showcase. Each presenting artist will show 20 slides of their work that will show for 20 seconds each. The presenter has roughly six minutes to tell the story of their art, their inspirations, their challenges, and their passions. Join us in supporting our local artists of every variety—painters, sculptors, chefs, seamstresses and more—and see what makes our city so diverse and creative.
I’ll be one of the Pecha Kucha Night speakers this Friday, talking about the inaugural Before I Die ABQ Festival. Hope to see you there!
UPDATE: Here’s video from the talk: