Given the CDC guidelines about social distancing to “flatten the curve,” all forthcoming Albuquerque Death Cafes will be held online for the foreseeable future. The next Albuquerque Death Cafe will be held online through Zoom on Sunday, June 28, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time.
You can join the conversation through your computer browser or the Zoom app on your devices. To maintain security and confidentiality, the link to the meeting will be sent to those who RSVP to Gail [at] AGoodGoodbye.com and let us know if you’ll attend! Please plan to join the meeting just before 3:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time on Sunday, June 28.
Prepare to settle in with your own cup of tea or coffee, and a nourishing snack. We’ll have an interesting, unstructured conversation that’s open and free-flowing with no specific agenda.
Learn more about the Death Cafe movement here, or visit the worldwide website, DeathCafe.com.
Join The Meetup Group
To keep in the loop on upcoming Death Cafes, join the Albuquerque Death Cafe Meetup group. You’ll be kept apprised of upcoming events as soon as they are scheduled. Click here to go to the Meetup page.
Your Death Cafe Host, Gail Rubin, CT

Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist, is the author of three upbeat books on end-of-life issues. She uses humor and funny film clips to break down resistance to talking about serious subjects like death and funeral planning. Gail was the first person in the U.S. west of the Mississippi to hold a Death Cafe in September of 2012.
Rubin is a public speaker, a published author of three books, host of a TV interview series and podcast, a blogger, a funeral industry trade journalist, a Certified Funeral Celebrant, and an innovator in the funeral business. She created a conversation-starting game called The Newly-Dead Game® and held the first Before I Die Festival west of the Mississippi in 2017. Albuquerque Business First named her one of their 2019 Women of Influence.