On Friday, July 29 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., join Gail Rubin for an Osher Lifelong Learning class, “Laughing and Learning: A Practical End-of-Life Workshop.”
Even though humans have a 100% mortality rate, only 25% of us do any end-of-life planning. The Laughing and Learning workshop will give you the tools and the inspiration to take practical steps for outlining your funeral plans/memorial celebration, drafting your own obituary and/or famous last words and preparing advance medical directives.
Funny film clips, supportive conversations and take-home printed materials are included in this workshop. Attendees will participate in Death Café-inspired discussions, tackle a quick first draft obit with the help of provided questions and receive their own copy of The Five Wishes form. You will laugh in the face of death and learn what you need to know BEFORE someone goes and dies.
Sign up for Course 19865 in the Psychology and Health section. It’s only $20, through Osher’s website.